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Brain Research
Learn about neuroplasticity and other extraordinary discoveries related to the brain.
CNN Student News
The latest news and videos about high schools, colleges, and universities, and the issues that affect youth learning.
Cognitive Skills and Cognitive Training
Cognitive skills refer to those skills that make it possible for us to learn. Research and studies abound indicating that weak underlying cognitive skills account for the majority of learning and reading difficulties, and that cognitive skills training is the most successful form of intervention.
Dyslexia Online
Comprehensive information on dyslexia: symptoms, causes, and treatment.
Early Childhood Education
Learn more about the significant role that early childhood education plays in determining a child's future.
Edublox Educational Franchise; Child Franchise Opportunity
Seize this lucrative business opportunity and experience a profound sense of fulfilment by seeing children achieve who previously struggled with reading and learning.
Golf Schools
Offering you a wide array of information about golf schools, golf instruction and equipment.
Intelligence and IQ
Comprehensive information on IQ tests, IQ scores, and the role of genetics in IQ and intelligence.
Interview Tips
Job interview tips, skills and advice for successful interviewing.
Learning Principles and Learning Styles
Although there is some value in adjusting to a preferred learning style, its value should not be overrated. Learning principles, which are universal, are of far greater importance than learning styles, which are individual.
Learning and Reading Difficulties
Comprehensive information on learning and reading difficulties: symptoms, causes, and treatment.
LearningRx is an education franchise specializing in brain training that makes people smarter. Our one-on-one trainers put students through a rigorous set of training exercises and drills designed to produce new neural connections and strengthen existing ones. Our program helps individuals with learning disabilities, dyslexia, autism, PDD, ODD, Asperger's and TBI.
Microsoft Reader Converter | MS Reader Publishing is an ebook conversion company providing exceptional quality MS Reader Publishing solutions at affordable rates. Our Microsoft reader converter specialists can convert MS Word, PDF as well as any other documents to Microsoft reader format in a more systematic manner.
Study Help
All about study skills, study techniques and study methods. Find tips to improve your study habits, write summaries and answer exam papers.
Teaching Degree
Time to find your next degree? Research the programs available for educators here.
Teaching Reading
Articles on phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, a multisensory approach to teaching reading, and the foundational skills of reading.