What Is Cognitive Development?
Cognitive development focuses on how children learn and process information. It is the development of the thinking and organizing systems of the mind. It involves language, mental imagery, thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and memory development.
By general consensus, Jean Piaget stands as the central theorist in contemporary child study. He developed a whole field of cognitive development, observed regularities in children’s performances that no one has noted before him. His theory concerns how the child thinks, how thinking changes from infancy to adolescence, and how the changes reflect an interesting series of structured stages.
Although Piaget set clear stages of cognitive development, which continues to be useful to contemporary child educators, he omitted to say that cognitive development is not an automatic process. The fact is that the child will not reach any of these stages without proper education. Contrary to the animal, the human being only knows, and can only do, what he/she has learned. This fundamental principle is confirmed by studies that compared children who were raised in an enriched learning environment and children who were raised in a deprived learning environment. This principle is further confirmed by stories of feral children.
Edublox provides multisensory cognitive development programs, aimed at inculcating foundational learning skills such as concentration, perception, memory, and logical thought, which improves performance in reading, spelling, writing and math. Programs are available for the gifted and less gifted, and for all age groups. They can develop the learning skills of the high school learner to a very high degree, but also prepare the preschool child for reading and learning from as early as three years of age. Edublox programs are effective for a variety of learning difficulties including dyslexia and dysgraphia.