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Dyslexia Statistics

Many researchers have different definitions for dyslexia, and people with learning disabilities often have overlapping conditions. As a result, there is much confusion regarding the incidence of dyslexia.

Spafford and Grosser estimate that at least 2-5% of the U.S. population has dyslexia. However, other researchers think the percentage could run as high as 15%. According to Lyon, about 10 million children or around 17% have reading difficulties. Approximately 80-85% of children identified as learning disabled for special education services have their primary problems with reading and language.

Some believe both males and females are approximately equally at risk for dyslexia; however, girls are not identified as often as boys because boys are more likely to have behavior problems when they have trouble learning. But, according to a Mayo Clinic study of 5,718 children in Rochester, Minnesota, boys were two to three times more likely than girls to be affected by reading disabilities.

Edublox programs are effective in overcoming dyslexia, dysgraphia and other learning difficulties by addressing the underlying shortcomings that interfere with academic performance.

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