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How Do You Erect a Hammock?


If you want to go camping without the burden of a sleeping bag and a tent, you can get by with a backpacking hammock instead. These hammocks, which are usually made out of nylon, provide both shelter and a comfortable place to sleep.

Follow these steps:

Step 1: Tie the hammock to trees, making it as tight as a bowstring. The hammock should be either level or higher at the head end, tied at armpit level to allow you to get in easily.

Step 2: Secure the ties of a mosquito net slightly above the cords of the hammock. They do not have to be far above the hammock because it will sag considerably when you climb in.

Step 3: Next, add the roof. This is a waterproof poncho that you tie to surrounding trees and spread open over the hammock. In the absence of trees, tie the cords to rocks.

Step 4: Enter the hammock with care, as it can easily flip over and throw you onto the ground. At night, bring down the sides of the mosquito net and tuck them under you in the hammock.

Need more information on hiking, backpacing and surviving in the wilderness? We recommend Hugh McManners' books, available at Amazon.com.

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