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What Is Lightning?


Lightning is a discharge of a large electrostatic charge that builds up on clouds near the surface of the earth during atmospheric disturbances such a thunderstorms.

There are several competing theories to explain why differing electrical charges appear in clouds, although scientists suspect that it may be related to the presence of ice crystals in the cloud. Typically the bottom of a cloud becomes negatively charged, and it sends out what is known as a “leader” which seeks a positive charge, either in another cloud or on the earth. As the leader approaches an area which is positively charged, a positively charged streamer emerges, meeting the leader, sealing the connection, and generating a bolt of lightning.

Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays in nature. It is also one of the most deadly natural phenomena known to man. With bolt temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun and shockwaves beaming out in all directions, lightning is a lesson in physical science and humility.

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